2021, 2022 & 2023 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendments
Notice is hereby given that the City of Yakima (City) is considering a Substantial Amendment to the 2023 One Year Action Plan. This amendment addresses the need to assign program year available balances, reassigned funding only available during the program year, and the continued need to assist with Single-Family Rehabilitation. The City is an entitlement community in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
The proposed changes in this Substantial Amendment, which include no new CDBG funds but a reallocation of $134,006.09 in unspent CDBG funds, are crucial to ensure the timely expenditure of funds to meet HUD’s deadline for spending 80% of CDBG funds. Your feedback is not only welcomed but vital in this process.
The proposed Substantial Amendments may also authorize additional changes, including flexibilities, waivers, and suspensions of regulations/requirements approved by HUD that were not specifically identified but will be required to make the changes.
1. Under Goal: CDBG Public Service, decrease the total amount of funding by $76,000 (from $76,000 to $0). HUD allows up to 15% of the yearly CDBG allocation for various programs and activities meeting a specific national objective under public services. Funds needed to be awarded and spent before the year closing. This did not take place.
2. Under Goal: CDBG General Administration, decrease the total amount of funding by $48,056.28 (from $195,713.74 to $147,657.46). HUD allows up to 20% of the annual CDBG allocations for grant administration. The City’s total administrative expenses for the year were $147,657.46; therefore, this activity needs to be reduced to allow the reassignment of funds.
3. Under Goal: CDBG Entitlement Funds, there is a total of $19,263.30 in prior year entitlement funds that have not been assigned to an activity. This is mainly caused by the use of program income towards a project that frees up budgeted use of entitlement funding, causing these funds to be available for reassignment. The following AAPs have unassigned balances that need assignment: 2021 ($1,010.07) and 2022 ($18,253.23).
4. Under Goal: CDBG Single Family Rehabilitation, increase the total amount of funding by $143,319.60 (from $1,077,615 to $1,220,934.58). This goal is to assist residents in extremely low, very low, and moderately low-income households by rehabilitating existing units to ensure the availability of decent, safe, and affordable housing.
The proposed 2021, 2022, and 2023 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendments is open for public comment. All written comments received during the 30-day written comment period will be included in the submission to HUD. Written comments regarding the Substantial Amendments to the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Annual Action Plans must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on 08/26/24. Please submit all written comments via email to Bill Preston, Community Development Director, 129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901 or by email to: ask.planning@yakimawa.gov. This notice has also been made available at the Office of Neighborhood Development Services, the City Clerk’s office, and was published in the Yakima Herald-Republic on July 27, 2024 and in El Sol on August 1, 2024.