Nelson Dam removal
BEFORE: Nelson Dam as of 3-16-20
AFTER: Nelson Dam removal as of 4-19-23
Nelson Project Phase 1 progress in photos - Sept. 2021 through May 2023
September 2021
February 2022
August 2022 - Fish Ladder Removal ...
YFD Vehicle Extraction Training
Yakima Fire Department veterans and extraction experts help with training on vehicle extractions with vehicles provided at AR1 auto wrecking...
MarJon Beauchamp Proclamation - Yakima City Council Meeting 7-19-22
Marjon Beauchamp was honored by the Yakima City Council with a proclamation read by District 2 Councilmember Danny Hererra on Tuesday, March 19th, 2022. MarJon was recently drafted in the first...
Millenium Plaza Restoration Project
Andy and Peg Granitto work to clean out window boxes as part of a project to restore features of the Plaza and replace artwork taken from the windows over the years. ...
Yakima River Levee Rehabilitation Project 2022
Three areas of scheduled Yakima River levee rehabiliation work being done in coordination with The City of Yakima, the Yakima Greenway, Army Corps of Engineers and Yakima County Public...