Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report

City of Yakima 2024 Annual Action Plan

The 2024 Annual Action Plan is the City’s application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds. The Annual Action Plan explains how the City will use the funds from HUD in the City Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 to address Yakima’s housing and community development needs.  Programs proposed in the 2024 Annual Action Plan are guided by the Priority Needs in the FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The activities included in the 2024 Annual Action Plan include these goals:

  • Single Family Rehabilitation Program – Supports the preservation of the existing affordable house ownership by substantial rehabilitation of existing owner-occupied family units for low to moderate income families.
  • First Time Homeownership Program – Provides direct financial assistance to qualified  first-time home buyers in the City of Yakima, thus expanding affordable homeownership opportunities.
  • Community Housing Development Organizations – Assisting a certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) to develop affordable housing for qualified First Time Homeowners.
  • New Construction – To increase the affordable housing opportunities in the City of Yakima, funding may include, but not limited to, homeowners and rental units, rehabilitation of housing stock and CHDO activities.
  • Public Service – funds may be used to support direct services to individuals and families including, but not limited to, emergency food assistance, health and dental care, housing counseling, workforce development, supportive housing for special needs populations, and other programs.
  • Public Facilities and Infrastructure – To improve the qualify of life and safety of the low-and moderate-income residents in the City of Yakima, funds may be used to support construction or rehabilitation of public facilities, public infrastructure, parks and playgrounds.
  • Code Compliance – To improve the physical environment of designated areas in the City, assistance may be provided to ensure local ordinances regarding health, safety, housing or building codes and other standards are ensured, as well as limited assistance in repairs.

Request for Comments

Two public hearings will be held by the Yakima City Council on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 and Tuesday, December 5, 2023. City council public meetings start at 6:00 PM in City Hall at 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima WA 98901.  The public may comment in writing on the 2024 Annual Action Plan between November 20 and December 19, 2023. Please submit written comments no later than 5:00 PM on December 19, 2023 via email to Rosylen Oglesby at and/or Joan Davenport at

Hard copies of the Annual Action Plan and the summaries are available at the City Clerk’s office at Yakima City Hall (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) and the Office of Neighborhood Development Services (112 S 8th St, Yakima WA 98901). Translated copies of the Annual Action Plan are available upon request.

Housing Action Plan (HAP)

City of Yakima Final Housing Action Plan – Adopted June 2021

The City of Yakima developed a Housing Action Plan to support and encourage new housing production to provide more housing choices and address local housing needs. This work took place throughout 2020 and early 2021. It considers the housing needs of current residents and workforce as well as projected future population growth. There are six primary objectives:
A. Encourage diverse housing development within existing neighborhoods.
B. Create and preserve affordable homes.
C. Create homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate- income households.
D. Support housing options that meet the diverse needs of older adults.
E. Address the needs of those struggling with homelessness.
F. Protect against displacement and poor housing conditions.

HAP – Background Information

HAP – Implementation Strategies in Review by the Yakima Planning Commission

The Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) is involved in reviewing and implementing changes to the Zoning Ordinance (YMC Title 15) and the Subdivision Ordinance (YMC Title 14) as they relate to the Implementation Strategies of the Housing Action Plan. Of the 37 implementation strategies, YPC will review and set forth recommendations on the following ten strategies:
Strategy #1 – Update city regulations to remove barriers to innovative housing types
Strategy #7 – Create design standards for multifamily and mixed-use development
Strategy #8 – Improve permitting and environmental process
Strategy #14 – Revise parking standards in key areas
Strategy #16 – Consider fee waivers or deferrals for affordable housing
Strategy #22 – Address mobile home parks that are dilapidated
Strategy #23 – Encourage micro-retail and flexible cultural design space
Strategy #26 – Incentivize Senior Housing
Strategy #28 – Minimize barriers to development of housing serving multiple populations
Strategy #32 – Incentivize backyard cottages and cottage housing

Quarterly Reports to City Council

Public outreach and engagement is a critical part of this planning process. Reports are presented quarterly to the Yakima City Council:

Monthly Building Permit Reports

Reports of Building Permit Statistics and New Residential Units are generated monthly and located on the City of Yakima Public Portal for review.