Activities for the Stormwater Management Division include:

For further information, please see:

To report a potential illegal discharge to the stormwater drain system – (509) 575-6077

SWMP-5-2024 – the City of Yakima has updated the Stormwater Management Plan for 2024. If you have questions please contact Randy Meloy, Surface Water Engineer, at 509 576-6606.

New Development Stormwater Construction Fact Sheet


Illegal Discharges into the Storm Drain System
Stormwater Assessment Fees
Restaurant Best Management Practices for handling Fats, Oils and Grease
Restaurante Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para manejar las Grasas, Aceites y Grasas
Storm Water
Aguas Grises (aguas pluviales)
Regional Stormwater Management Program

2013 Stormwater Collection System Master Plan – To be posted upon Council approval
Joint Probability and Levee InteriorDrainage – Draft 2 (50mb pdf)

Municipal Code 7.80 Storm Drainage and Surface Water Management Utility
Municipal Code 7.82 Construction Stormwater Runoff
Municipal Code 7.83 Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff
Municipal Code 7.85 Stormwater Illicit Discharge

  • Do you have a dry well or other subsurface fluid distribution system on your property? If the answer is yes then you must register each of these Underground Injection Control (UIC) wells with the Department of Ecology.

New Infiltration Trench Design Requirements

For more help try our Engineering Dept.MS4 Annual Report – 2020MS4 Annual Report – 2020MS4 Annual Report – 2019