New Streetlight Request
Streetlights are intended to improve security and traffic safety along public streets. They are usually located at intersections or spaced 300 feet apart but may be placed closer together if needed. Anyone may request a streetlight by submitting a petition.
The City can only spend between $4,000 to $8,000 each year to install four to ten new streetlights. Requests must be prioritized to make the most of the available money. Requests are prioritized based on:
- Crime statistics provided by the Yakima Police Department
- Cost of installation
- Length of time on the priority list
How to Request a Streetlight
A petition is required to place the streetlight request on the priority list so that anyone affected by the new light has a chance to give their opinion. The petition should only be signed by those wanting the new streetlight. The petition must be signed by more than one-half of the households or businesses within two hundred (200) feet of where the light is wanted. Only one signature per household/business is allowed.
Click below for a streetlight petition form.
Petición de Solicitud Para una Luz Publica