City of Yakima, Washington Department of Public Works
Streets and Traffic Division


Street System Facilities Information

The City maintains 4,644 Street Lights – the majority of which are High Pressure Sodium Street Lights. The City is in the process of upgrading some Street Lights to new LED technology in the CBD, at signalized intersections, and on arterials. Our current standard also calls for all new residential Street Lights to use Induction-type, Street Light technology. We also maintain 105 signalized intersections, 3 (three) Flashing Four-Way Stops, and 9 (nine) School Pedestrian Crossing Signals or Flashers. The City operates and maintains a total of 138 Traffic Signals, Crosswalk Signals, and miscellaneous Warning Flashers. The current inventory of street signs is 19,471 total signs.

Street Lights or Signals Out or Malfunctioning

The City of Yakima Traffic Operation crew are responsible for maintaining over 4,600 street lights and 105 signalized intersections. We appreciate your help in reporting lights that are out or not working correctly. You may call to report the location of these lights to the Public Works Department at 575-6005.

Street Signs Damaged or Knocked Down

The City of Yakima Traffic Operation crew are responsible for maintaining nearly 20,000 signs. We appreciate your help in reporting vandalized or damaged traffic signs. We will respond to hazardous conditions as quickly as we can but it may take a few days for us to respond to other service requests, please call 575-6005 to report damaged signs.

After Hours Emergencies

For after hours emergencies involving malfunctioning traffic signals, stop signs that have been knocked down, or street lights that have been knocked down, please call Yakima Police at 911. For all other requests of a non-emergency nature, including street light outages (burned out lamps), please call the Public Works Department at 575-6005 during normal working hours.