If you have any issues filling out the application, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (509) 575-6037 and request a WORD version via email or hard copy via USPS. Return completed application form to Yakima City Clerk, Yakima City Hall 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901

Si usted tiene cualquier dificultad al llenar la aplicación, favor de contactar nuestra oficina al (509) 575-6037 y pedir una aplicación de versión WORD por correo electrónico o una copia en papel por correo postal.

Arts Commission – YMC 1.36 View Page

Supplemental Application Form – Arts Commission

3 Year Term – 13-15 Members

Established via Resolution No. 2009-166 as adopted by City Council on December 1, 2009 and codified in the City of Yakima Municipal Code Chapter 1.36.

Appointed by:                      Yakima City Council

Meetings:                             Quarterly (3rd Wednesday in March, June, September and November)

Department Contact:           Erica McNamara, Public Safety Communications Manager

Term Limitations:                 No more than two 3-year consecutive terms

Residency Requirements:   At least three of the Community Reps shall be city residents

Membership and Requirements:  Voting members shall include no less than thirteen and no more than fifteen members, comprised as follows:

  • Two working artists (“working artist” shall be a person who has had his or her works of art exhibited in professional gallery spaces and/or has had their work included in professionally juried exhibitions or permanent collections)
  • Four to six community members, of which at least three shall be residents of the city of Yakima. The community members shall be from diverse backgrounds and shall have no vested interest in any particular art or cultural endeavor
  • Six persons each of whom represent one of the following six professionally staffed local arts organizations: the Yakima Symphony Orchestra, the Capitol Theatre, the Seasons Music Festival, the Larson Gallery, the Yakima Valley Museum and a representative from the dramatic arts.
  • One Yakima city council member

Responsibilities:  The Arts Commission shall perform the following functions and duties:

  1. Provide recommendations to the city council on artistic endeavors in which the city becomes involved and act as a representative of the community in such matters; regarding artistic components of all municipal government projects under consideration by the city. The commission may also serve as a resource for artistic components of land use developments;
  2. Serve as the central commission to whom individuals and groups may bring their concerns and ideas with regard to the arts;
  3. Encourage donations, grants and other support to further expand art opportunities in Yakima;
  4. Explore ways and implement methods of obtaining financial support through development of private, local, state and federal funds and establishing public/private partnerships to promote art within the community; develop relationships with existing organizations and community groups having a stake and interest in good building and public space design and development;
  5. Explore and promote arts-related projects, events and businesses that provide an economic benefit and/or beautify and enhance the image of the city; pursue gifts and grants available to the city of Yakima for the purposes of cultural and artistic activities and enhancement of public spaces in the city;
  6. Engage in long range art planning and implementation, and review city plans for the purpose of integration of arts elements into city planning including education, public finance, community services, etc.;
  7. Recognize artistic contributions made by individuals and organizations to the city and provide recognition and encouragement to local artists; promote and engage in activities that enrich the lives of the city of Yakima’s residents through artistic education and expression;
  8. Review and make recommendations on all works of art acquired by the city; encouraging public art, establishing procedures for selection and approval of art pieces, suggesting placement of public art and arranging for ongoing maintenance of public art in public places throughout the city of Yakima;
  9. Review and recommend policy for acquiring, maintaining, and displaying the city’s art collection.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee – YMC 1.37

4 Year Term – 7 Members

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee was established by Council policy on June 14, 2016. This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Yakima Planning Commission as a subcommittee of the Commission.

Appointed By: Yakima City Council

Meetings: Regular quarterly meetings typically the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers

Contact: Bill Preston, City Engineer

Residency requirements: One member may be a resident of Yakima County if they also either own property within the City of Yakima or own a business within the City of Yakima. One of the members shall represent the Yakima Greenway and the residency requirement does not apply.

Term limitations:  None.

Attendance requirements:  Committee members may be removed from the committee for any reason upon a majority vote of the City Council. Committee members shall be removed if they fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings, or five (5) meetings in any twelve (12) month period.

Responsibilities:  To provide a community-based advisory committee for the review, comment and idea generation related to the development, maintenance and planning of the network of facilities for bicycles and pedestrians including public streets, sidewalks, bike paths, pathways and related improvements; and to work with staff, committees, schools, affected residents, and neighborhoods or other interested groups on bicycle/pedestrian projects and implementation.

Board of Appeals – YMC 11.04.113

Operates under Section 113 of the Washington State Building Code as amended by Ordinance No. 2024-008.

Contact: Glenn Denman, Code Administration Manager

Any person directly affected by a decision of the code official or a notice or order issued shall have the right to appeal to the hearing examiner.

Responsibilities:  The hearing examiner hears appeals from any person directly affected by a decision of the code official or a notice or order issued in order to determine the suitability of alternative methods of construction and to provide reasonable interpretations of the provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code and related construction and building codes.

Civil Service Commission – Charter City Employees – Article XV

6 Year Term – 3 Members

The Charter City Employees Civil Service Commission operates under City Charter provision; Article XV.

Appointed by: City Council as stipulated in the City Charter

Meetings: 1st Monday each month (2nd Monday – July & September) – City Hall 3:30 p.m. Council Chambers

Term Limitations: None.

Residency Requirements: Must be a registered voter of Yakima County.

Attendance Requirements: None.

Responsibilities: Adopts rules, administers merit principles governing the appointment, promotion, transfer, lay-off, removal, discipline and welfare of the classified employees other than Police and Fire.

Civil Service Commission – Police (YMC 1.54) & Fire (YMC 1.46)

6 Year Term – 3 Members

Operates under RCW 41.12 and Ordinance No. B-199 enacted in 1937. The Fire Civil Service Commission was established under Chapter 1.46.020 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code, RCW 41.08.010 and RCW 41.08.030. The Police Civil Service Commission was established under Chapter 1.54.020 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code, RCW 41.12.010 and RCW 41.12.030.

Appointed by: City Manager with Council approval

Meetings: 1st Monday each month (2nd Monday – July & September) – City Hall 3:30 p.m. Council Chambers

Requirements: U. S. Citizen, 3-Year City resident, and registered voter.

Term Limitations: None

Attendance Requirements: None

Responsibilities: Adopts rules and principles governing employment, advancement, demotion and discharge pertaining to Police and Fire employees.

Community Integration Committee

Effective April 8, 2024 this committee is repealed via Ordinance No. 2024-004.

Downtown Yakima Business Improvement District (DYBID) Advisory Board
YMC 1.33

3 Year Term – 5 Members

Operates under Ordinance No. 2012-01 and 2012-49

Appointed by:  Elected from among the assessed business owners and operators within the DYBID by the District’s assessed business owners and operators.

Meetings:  Quarterly

Residency Requirements: All Advisory Board members must represent business owners and operators assessed by the DYBID and shall reflect the diversity of population of the city of Yakima, including its racial, sexual, ethnic, cultural, educational and work force segments as well as other aspects of the community.

Term Limitations:  Three consecutive terms

Attendance Requirements:  If a member of the Board does not attend two consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by vote of the Board, his or her membership shall automatically terminate and a replacement member shall be elected in accord with the provisions of this Chapter.

Responsibilities: The DYBID Advisory Board is created as an advisory body to make recommendations to the city council on issues affecting the operation of the DYBID formed by city council through Ordinance 2011-58.  The Advisory Board shall provide a direct line of communication between the assessed participants of the DYBID and the city council and shall generally provide the council with reports of the sufficiency of the services provided through the District, complaints or observations from assessed members of the District and requests for consideration of modifications to the District to meet the intended and expressed goals described in the ordinance establishing the DYBID.

Henry Beauchamp, Jr. Community Center Advisory Committee (formerly Southeast Yakima Community Center Advisory Board) – YMC 1.39

4 Year Term – 7 Members

A representative for the operator of the Southeast Community Center shall also be an ex-officio member of the advisory board.

Appointed by: City Council based upon the recommendations of Operator (Board of Directors).

Meets: Quarterly

City Contact: Scott Schafer, Public Works Director

Residency Requirements: Must reside within the city limits of Yakima

Term Limitations: None

Attendance Requirements: None.

A.    To make recommendations concerning programs, services, and activities to be offered at the southeast community center.
B.    To review and make recommendations regarding the financing and budgeting for planning, development and construction of city capital improvements at the southeast community center.
C.    To conduct and prepare surveys, analysis, studies, and reports related to programs and services of the southeast community center and community/neighborhood needs, as directed by the city council.
D.    To make recommendations about any other matters related to the southeast community center as directed or requested by the city council or city staff.

Historic Preservation Commission – YMC 11.62 View Page

Supplemental Application – Historic Preservation Commission

4 Year Term – 5 Members

The Local Review Board for Historic Preservation was established under Yakima Municipal Code Chapter 11.62. It operates under Ordinance No. 3223, 2005-002, 2011-028, 2013-22, 2015-004, 2019-017, 2024-006. It serves as a subcommittee to the Yakima Planning Commission.

Department Contact: Planning Division (509) 575-6183 or email: ask.planning@yakimawa.gov

Appointed by: Mayor with approval of the Yakima City Council.

Meetings: Typically, on the 4th Wednesdays of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall – 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA

Term Limitations: No consecutive term limits for membership

Residency Requirements: Shall be residents of the city of Yakima

Attendance Requirements: None

Powers and Duties: The major responsibility of the historic preservation commission is to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Yakima’s historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties, to raise community awareness of Yakima’s history and historic resources, and to serve as Yakima’s primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation.

Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) – Resolution No. R-2015-155

Supplemental Application – Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)

Established under RCW Chapter 67.28 and Substitute Senate Bill 5867 (Chapter 452, Laws of 1997) and created by Resolution No. R-97-84, adopted June 17, 1997 (repealed by R-2008-158) and revised by R-2015-155 adopted December 1, 2015.

Appointed by: Yakima City Council

Meetings: On-call basis as determined by the Committee

Department Contact: Director of Finance & Budget

Term Limitations: Two-year terms – no set term limitations. Must either be a representative of a business required to collect the lodging tax or a person involved in activities authorized to be funded by the revenue received from the lodging tax.

Committee Membership: A. One member is the Mayor or Council member and serves as Chair.
B. Four members are representatives of businesses required to collect lodging tax.
C. Four members are involved in activities authorized to be funded by the revenue received from the lodging tax.
Persons eligible for appointment under B are not eligible for appointment under C.
Persons eligible for appointment under C are not eligible for appointment under B.

Residency Requirements: None.

Attendance Requirements: Unexcused absences from any two consecutive meetings shall be grounds for removal.

Responsibilities: The Advisory Committee shall review and comment on any proposed imposition of a lodging tax, any proposed increase in the lodging tax rate, any proposed repeal of an exemption from a lodging tax, or any change in the use of revenue received from the lodging tax as set forth in RCW Chapter 67.28. When Council proposes the imposition, increase in the rate, repeal of an exemption from a tax, or change in the use of revenue under RCW Chapter 67.28, such proposal shall be submitted to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for review and comment at least 45 days before final action on the passage of the proposal by the City Council. The Committee’s comments shall include an analysis of the extent to which the proposal will accommodate activities for tourists or increase tourism, and the extent to which the proposal will affect long-term stability of the fund used for paying the costs of tourism promotions, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of tourism-related facilities.

Parks and Recreation Commission – YMC 1.35

Agendas & Minutes

Parks & Recreation Youth Commissioner Application (16-22 yrs of age only)

4 Year Term – 7 Members (Plus two Youth Commissioners – 2 Year Terms)

Established under Chapter 1.35 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. Operates under Ordinance No. 1573, enacted 10/01/73 and Ordinance No. 2688, 2010-015.

Appointed by: Mayor and City Council

Contact: Ken Wilkinson, Parks & Recreation Manager

Meetings: Second Wednesday at 5:30 P. M. – City Hall Council Chambers

Residency Requirements: Must be a City of Yakima resident.

Term Limitations: None

Attendance Requirements: Three consecutive unexcused absences disqualifies member from serving.

Responsibilities: Advises the City Council and Director of Parks and Recreation concerning the formulation of policy, plans and programs to maintain and operate City parks and carry out recreation programs.

Planning Commission – YMC 1.42 View Page

Submit a resume with application.

4 Year Term – 11 Members (effective April 8, 2024)

Established by Ordinance 2010-22, 2013-024, amended via 2024-006.

Contact:  Trevor Martin, Planning Manager

Meetings:  2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers

Appointed by:  Mayor and confirmed by City Council

Residency requirements:  No person shall hold the office of member of the City Planning Commission unless that person is: 1) a resident of the City or, 2) an owner of a business or real property that is located within the City of Yakima.

Term limitations:  Two consecutive terms

Attendance requirements:  N/A


The duties of the City Planning Commission shall be as set forth in RCW Chapter35.63.060, by City ordinance, or as may be assigned or requested from time to time by the City Council.  Such duties include, but are not limited to:
1.    Serving as the long-range planning body for the City of Yakima;
2.    Monitor the growth and development of the City and continually reevaluate and recommend to the City Council revisions to the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance for the City;
3.    Develop and recommend to the City Council a subdivision ordinance for the City and revisions thereto;
4.    Investigate and make recommendations on other land use matters as may be requested by the City Council or on its own initiative;
5.    Study and report on all proposed text changes to land use ordinances;
6.    Advise the City Council on land use matters;
7.    Monitor the hearings of the Hearing Examiner in order to remain informed on development activities, public concerns and the decisions of the Hearing Examiner;
8. Work with, provide support, and give guidance to sub-committees associated with the Planning Commission, as appropriate; and,
9.    Such other planning functions as authorized or required by law or ordinance or as requested or assigned by the City Council.

Public Facilities District Board

Supplemental Application – Public Facilities District

4 Year Term – 7 Members

Operates under City Ordinance No. 2001-28. Codified as Chapter 35.57 RCW

Appointed by: City Council (5 Yakima, 1 Selah, 1 Union Gap)

Meetings: Quarterly on 1st Thursday at the Yakima Convention Center

Dept. Contact: Director of Finance & Budget

Term Limitations: Not more than four consecutive full terms

Residency Requirements: None

Attendance Requirements: N/A

Membership Requirements: Shall not be members of the legislative authority of the Cities of Selah, Union Gap, or Yakima at any time while serving on the Board. Have knowledge and/or experience in tourism, convention, and/or business. Diversity of backgrounds, ethnicity, gender, education, cultures, industries, business experience, etc. desirable. Must be bondable.

Responsibilities: To govern the affairs of the Public Facilities District including: approval of changes in the district’s bylaws; oversee the general operation and structure of the district; interface with and advise the Yakima City Council, City Manager, and City Staff on operations of the District; interface with the hotel/motel owners and other convention and tourism related businesses within the District. The District was established to lease and operate the Yakima Convention Center. This allows for a portion of the sales taxes currently collected and sent to the state to be directed back to the PFD. These funds will be used to finance the expansion of the Convention Center.

Sustainable Yakima Committee

Effective April 8, 2024 this committee is repealed via Ordinance No. 2024-005.

Tree City USA Board – YMC 8.77

3 Year Term – 5 Members

The Tree City USA Board was established by Council on December 6, 2016, ORD. NO. 2016-032, codified in the Yakima Municipal Code Chapter 8.77. The tree board serves as a subcommittee of the Yakima Planning Commission.

Meetings:      To be determined
Contact:        Eric Crowell, Senior Planner
Appointed By: Yakima City Council

Membership Requirements:       The City of Yakima Tree Board consists of five members. One seat on the board will be filled by the City of Yakima arborist and one seat will be filled by the Yakima City Council through the recommendation of the Yakima Arboretum.  At least two of the seats on the board shall be filled by tree care specialists.

Residency Requirements: Yakima city residents, except in the case of the tree care specialists and the member recommended by the Yakima arboretum.

Term limitations:  None.

Responsibilities: The City of Yakima Tree Board will be responsible for studying, investigating, developing, updating, and administering a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and other plantings in City parks, along City streets, and in other City-owned public areas.  The written plan, which will constitute the City’s official comprehensive tree plan, will be presented to the City Council annually.  The Tree Board may perform other duties as directed by the City Council.

Yakima Housing Authority Board – View Page

Submit your resume with application.

5 Year Term – 5 Members

Operates under State Law RCW 35.82 and Resolution No. D-3719 enacted June 27, 1977.

Appointed by: Mayor and City Council

Contact: Lowel Krueger, Executive Director, Yakima Housing Authority – (509) 453-3106.

Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. – Housing Authority Office at 810 N. 6th Ave., Yakima, WA.
Office (509) 453-3106 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1447, Yakima, WA 98907

Term Limitations: None

Residency Requirements: None

Attendance Requirements: Members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings of the Yakima Housing Authority. Members may be removed for failure to attend meetings, pursuant to the Housing Authority Charter and Bylaws, and RCW 35.82.060

Other Requirements: No commissioner of an authority may be an officer or employee of the city or county. Must include a resume when applying.

Responsibilities: Development and operation of programs to provide improved housing for low-income families and individuals, throughout the City; and cooperation with other agencies in neighborhood improvement programs, and provision of housing for displaced persons.

Upon appointment, certificate of appointment, signed by the Mayor, must be completed. The member is administered the oath of office by the City Clerk; after which, a certificate is completed, signed by the City Clerk.