The Yakima City Council finds that graffiti is a public nuisance and may be associated with promoting criminal street gang activity. Therefore, subject to availability of funding and personnel, the City makes available a Graffiti Abatement Program. Owners of property within the city, and any owner who receives a notice issued pursuant to YMC 11.40.302.10, may request assistance from the city’s graffiti abatement program to abate graffiti placed on their property.

Participation in the Graffiti Abatement Program is voluntary but requires a Consent and Release From Liability form.

Consent and Release form Liability Form-Graffiti Abatement Program

Formulario de Consentimiento Para el Programa de Eliminacion de Graffiti

Property owners are strongly encouraged to abate graffiti on their property on their own due to the following constraints of participating in the Graffiti Abatement Program:

  • The Consent and Release From Liability form is valid for one year for tenants, two years for property managers, or five years for property owners from the year it is authorized.
  • The permission form does not automatically renew. It needs be renewed at or before expiration.
  • You waive your right to receive formal notice before entry onto your property for graffiti abatement.
  • The City will only paint over graffiti and will not remove it through sand blasting or other means.
  • Only the area affected by graffiti will be painted over with paint provided by the City, not the entire structure.
  • The color of the paint will likely not match with the paint currently on the structure.
  • The quality of the services or materials used will be determined solely by the City.
  • The owner, tenant, or property manager shall provide safe access to the area necessary to abate the graffiti with a 24-hour advance notice.
  • No concealed hazards on the property.
  • The authorization may be revoked or terminated at any time. And it is not transferable.

To report graffiti on your property or in your surrounding area, click the button below:

Visit the Yakima Municipal Code Section 11.40.302.10 Graffiti Abatement for more information about the program and procedures or you may call the Graffiti Hotline at (509) 594-0092.

When funding and/or personnel is limited, the following priority may be established for service to those property owners who have entered the program:

  • Single-family residential zoned properties and City Property;
  • Two-family residential zoned properties;
  • Multi-family residential zoned properties;
  • CBD zoned properties;
  • All other commercial zoned properties;
  • Manufacturing zoned properties.