Fire Code Permit Applications
Fire Code permits are required for all installations, additions, and alterations to any fire alarm or fire sprinkler system. Two complete sets of plans and specifications are required to be submitted and approved prior to permit issuance or you may submit digitally. A fire code permit is also required for firework displays, and commercial tents and canopies. Note: Fire alarm plans, automatic fire sprinkler plans, and fire line plans must bear NICET III certification number and name of designer, or professional engineer’s stamp. For fire alarms, an ESA/NTS can substitute in place of a NICET III.
- Fireworks Display Permit Application – YMC Section 10.15
- Tents and Canopies Application Packet
- Underground Storage Tank Removal or Abandonment- Fire Permit Application & Checklist
- Fire Sprinkler Permit Application
- Fire Alarm Permit Application
- Fire Suppression Permit Application
- Fire Permit – use for Fire Lines or other fire permit types that are not specified above.