Zoom Appearances

Zoom appearances for Defendants will be approved by written motion filed with the Court within 24 hours prior to the scheduled Court hearing.

Defendants MUST appear in person for arraignments, trial settings, plea and sentencing hearings.

Participant Procedure

All proceedings are recorded on FTR. Which is still considered the official record of the court.

  1. Participants must log in to zoom hearing using their full name.  Failure to log in, or disconnecting before the hearing or before the hearing has concluded, may be considered a non-appearance.
  2. If you are late joining and miss the Judge’s calling of the calendar, please remain quiet until the case is called or until the Judge polls the courtroom again.
  3. You will be placed in a Zoom “waiting room” until admitted into the proceedings by the Judge or Court staff. Remain in the waiting room. We are aware of your presence and will admit you when ready.

(Mitigation/Contested Hearings ARE NOT eligible for Zoom Hearings)

Courtroom #1

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Courtroom #2