The City of Yakima offers an online option for purchasing dog licenses.
Residents can purchase dog licenses online without having to buy them at City Hall. The online portal is available at
Providing further flexibility for dog owners, the City is offering licenses with a one or 3-year duration.
“A prerequisite to licensing is proof of rabies vaccination,” said Supervising Code Inspector Tony Doan. “This vaccination expires every three years, so the 3-year dog license option is more efficient for the City and the savings are passed on to dog owners through a discounted fee.”
Dog owners without access to the online portal can still purchase licenses at Yakima City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street. Dog licenses will be available on the second floor, where a kiosk will be provided at the Codes counter from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
In keeping with Yakima Municipal Code 6.20, fees and terms for dog licenses within the City of Yakima are as follows:
- 1 year (altered) $25.00
- 1 year (unaltered) $75.00
- 3 year (altered) $60.00
- 3 year (unaltered) $180.00
- Replacement tag $10.00
- Senior Citizen 1 year (altered) $12.50
- Senior Citizen 1 year (unaltered) $37.50
- Senior Citizen 3 year (altered) $30.00
- Senior Citizen 3 year (unaltered) $90.00
The senior citizen rate for dog owners is available to residents ages 62 and older.
For more information contact Supervising Code Inspector Tony Doan at 509-576-6524 or e-mail