1. You must be a homeowner or buying a home inside the City limits of Yakima.
  2. At least 55 years of age or Social Security Disable (no age limit for disabled persons).
  3. Live in the home on a year-round basis and have owned the home for at least one year.
  4. Must be below 80% of Federal Median Income Guidelines for the number of people in the home. (All people’s income in the home must be counted).
  5. Complete an application process.
Emergency Repair & Exterior Paint Programs
Emergency Repair & Exterior Paint Programs


  1. Own more than one property.
  2. Have more than $50,000 in savings.
  3. The home has been on the market in the last 90 days.
  4. The home is not in your name.
  5. Unable to complete the application (Lack of documentation).