The City of Yakima Parks & Recreation Division will conduct a series of three community meetings in February to present and discuss the results of the 2017-2022 Yakima Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan survey.
The survey was mailed out last year to 4,600 randomly-selected homes in Yakima, and City officials were pleased with the response. However, many of the respondents also indicated they would be willing to attend a meeting to discuss the survey and provide additional comments.
The survey showed strong support for swimming pools and water features along with the need for additional pathways and walkways. Nearly 91% of the respondents rated Yakima Parks and Recreation programs as good or excellent. The survey also showed the most popular park in Yakima is Franklin Park, followed by Randall Park, Kissel Park and Larson Park.
The complete results of the survey are available on the front page of the Yakima Parks and Recreation website at
The three community meetings will take place on the dates and at the locations listed below:
– Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 at the Henry Beauchamp, Jr. Community Center,
located at 1211 S. 7th Street
– Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at the Harman Center, located at 101 N 65th Avenue
– Thursday, February 23, 2017 in the Council Chambers at Yakima City Hall, located 129 N. 2nd Street
All of the community meetings are scheduled begin at 5:00 pm, weather permitting.
If you are unable to attend a meeting and would like to provide additional input, please call Yakima Parks & Recreation Administrative Assistant Jenise Sanders at 575-6164 or contact her by email at .