City of Yakima Construction Growth Continued in 2019

New multi-family construction in the City of Yakima more than doubled last year. That is among building permit statistics for the City in 2019 compared to 2018.

There were 29 new multi-family developments permitted in Yakima during 2019, with a combined estimated valuation of $32,600,179. In 2018, there were 12 permits issued for new multi-family developments with a combined estimated valuation of $7,367,932.

New multi-family housing in Yakima permitted during 2019 created 651 new housing units.

Other areas of notable construction growth in 2019 included:

  • Permits for duplexes rose from 35 in 2018 to 48 in 2019, with estimated valuation increasing from $9,951,757 to $13,147,979. Overall, estimated valuation for new duplex construction in the City of Yakima has more than tripled since 2017.
  • Permits for new commercial construction climbed from 71 in 2018 to 75 last year. The estimated valuation for new commercial construction also rose from $39,163,347 in 2018 to $44,754,120 last year.
  • Combined valuation for all new construction in Yakima during 2019 was $144,302,655, a nearly 30 percent uptick from 2018’s $112,279,486. Further, the 2019 figure represents a more than 75 percent jump from the $81,457,182 in new valuation for 2017.

“I believe part of the growth success is from the Permit Center in Code Administration,” said Director of Community Development Joan Davenport. “The objective is meeting and working with architects, builders and residents for a transparent application process from the permit Issue stage to the project breaking ground. The Permit Center has received many accolades for exceptional service of which we are proud.”

Building permit statistics for 2019 and previous years are available on the City of Yakima’s Building Permit Portal website at