City Re-opens Tennis, Pickleball Courts

The City of Yakima’s tennis courts at Franklin Park and Kissel Park, as well as pickleball courts at Franklin Park re-open to the public today, Friday, August 28th, for the first time since COVID-19 restrictions went into effect in March.

The re-opening is possible because effective yesterday, Thursday, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) approved small, outdoor gatherings of five people or less from outside the household, with six feet of separation, as part of Yakima County’s modified Phase 1 “Roadmap to Recovery” plan.

The following social distancing protocols will be required at City tennis and pickleball courts:

  • Wear a mask whenever you are not playing and are in close proximity to others.
  • Social distancing requirements must be observed at all times. A 6-foot separation must be maintained at all times when not playing.
  • Players must refrain from congregating in groups anywhere on or around the courts.
  • Players must wash or sanitize their hands upon arriving and immediately before starting play. Sanitize hands again when changing opponents.
  • Players will need to bring their own hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes and use them throughout play.
  • Each player may only play with 4 different people per day to comply with rules of maximum group of 5 people. Common pickleball play of moving between courts and players is NOT allowed at this time.
  • Do not touch balls from other courts, return the ball to them without touching it.
  • Players will forgo the traditional after round handshake or paddle tap. Meeting at the net within 6 feet of someone is NOT allowed at this time.
  • Players will immediately leave the courts after play is finished.
  • Players must cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue or cough and sneeze into the elbow rather than hands, and throw tissues away after use; wash or sanitize hands after coughing or sneezing
  • Stay home if you are sick or are feeling sick.

“We are so excited to get these much loved and appreciated recreation facilities available once again for people to enjoy,” said Parks and Recreation Manager Ken Wilkinson. “However, we need to insist that all court users follow all the Safe Start requirements, which include masks and social distancing,”

Click for more about City parks and recreation programs.

Yakima County moved to a modified Phase 1 of the state’s Safe Start program on July 3rd thanks to efforts by county residents to wear masks when in public. The City is helping to lead this effort through the “Mask up to open up” campaign. More information is available at