With spring weather here and opportunities to play outside in the sunshine, dog owners in the City of Yakima are asked to remember Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) regarding their pets.
They include:
- Dogs must be on leash in city limits and not allowed to roam at large.
- Owners must pick up their dog’s feces, especially at City parks such as the dog park at Randall Park.
- Dogs must be registered and licensed.
Violations of the above result in fines. Click Chapter 6.20 ANIMAL CONTROL (codepublishing.com) for the complete YMC regarding dog control.
“These city codes exist for the health and safety of the public and their animals,” said Animal Control Officer Anthony Diaz. “We appreciate the community’s help in following these codes and being considerate pet owners.”
For more information call 575-6038 or e-mail Diaz at Anthony.Diaz@yakimawa.gov
Though Yakima City Hall is currently closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, a dog licensing and registration form is available online at Microsoft Word – 2012 Dog License App updated 08202012.doc (yakimawa.gov)
The completed form can be e-mailed to utilities@yakimawa.gov
Dogs can also be licensed at the Yakima Humane Society.
If you see pets in the City of Yakima that appear to be neglected, report concerns to the City’s animal control hotline at 509-575-6038. You can also submit complaints and photos about the concern through the City’s Yak Back app on the City website at https://www.yakimawa.gov
The report should include incident address, the animal’s welfare, and type of concern you have. Reports can be filed anonymously, but it is preferable to provide contact information in case an officer needs to reach out for further details.
Click https://www.yakimawa.gov/services/animal-control/ for more about the City’s animal control services.