Franklin Pool Closing due to Unhealthy Air Quality

The City of Yakima Franklin Pool is temporarily closing due to air quality that is considered unhealthy.

Franklin Pool is closed today, Monday, and possibly tomorrow, Tuesday, due to unhealthy air quality caused by smoke from wildfires in the region.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cautions that sensitive groups should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors and the general public should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors when air quality is unhealthy.

Prolonged outdoor activity is considered intermittent for several hours that makes you breathe slightly harder than normal, such as yard work. Heavy exertion is considered intense outdoor activities that cause you to breathe hard, such as jogging.

Forecasts call for the area’s air quality to improve on Wednesday, August 4th.

Click Washington Smoke Information: LOCAL SMOKEOUTLOOKS ( for a map that monitors air quality throughout the state.

Visit or call 575-6035 for more about Yakima Parks & Recreation and its aquatic programs.