Heat Advisory Calls for Extra Precautions

The National Weather Service (“NWS”) has issued a heat advisory for the Yakima area that will be in effect from 12:00 pm on Wednesday, August 2nd, until 8:00 pm Friday, August 4th.

The NWS is predicting temperatures in the City of Yakima could reach as high as 107 degrees during the heat advisory. The agency forecasts six consecutive days of triple-digit temperatures in the City starting tomorrow, Tuesday.

Yakima Fire Department Captain Jeff Pfaff advises residents use caution when keeping their homes cool.

“The problem we have with too many fans going is they overload the circuits and you can have a house fire,” Pfaff said. “Be cognizant of how much energy you’re using in an older home.”

Pfaff also suggests residents open windows in the early morning hours to let cool air flow through, then keep them closed and covered the rest of the day to keep the heat out.

The combination of hot temperatures and low humidity will create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible, the NWS advisory cautions.

Weather officials encourage residents to schedule strenuous activities over the next few days in the early morning or evening during the heat advisory. The NWS advisory also suggests residents take extra precautions such as drinking plenty of fluids, staying out of the sun and checking up on relatives and neighbors.

Two options the City offers for beating the heat are Lions Pool (509 West Pine Avenue) and Franklin Pool (2101 Tieton Drive). Both pools are open for recreational swimming and other aquatic programs, such as adult water fitness classes and lap swims. Call 575-6046 or visit yakimaparks.com/aquatics for pool schedules and additional details.

Heat Advisory Issued for Yakima Area – News Release