During its November 21st regular business meeting, the Yakima City Council approved a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) that will provide funding for 20 new bus shelters.
Yakima Transit currently has 629 bus stops, of which 205 are only benches and 32 have bus shelters.
With Council approval in hand, Yakima Transit has begun the planning process for adding the 20 new transit shelters.
That process includes a desire for community input on locations for the new shelters.
“We want to hear from the public regarding where they think the shelters should be placed,” Yakima Transit Manager Alvie Maxey said. “They can call us, visit our website, attend a Transit Advisory Committee meeting, or give their suggestions directly to their bus driver.”
Comments and suggestions on locations for new shelters can be offered by calling 575-6175, e-mailing asktransit@yakimawa.gov or clicking the “Leave a Comment” link on the Yakima Transit website, https://yakimatransit.org. The website also has information about the Transit Advisory Committee.
Yakima Transit staff have been actively evaluating the best locations for the new shelters. The goal is to have everything in place so construction and installation can start in the spring, after winter weather subsides. “Hopefully we can hit the ground running,” Maxey said.
The $152,000 WSDOT grant will cover all but $38,000 of the cost to construct and install the 20 new, ADA-accessible bus shelters. They will be lighted using solar power.
“Because Yakima Transit operates year-round bus service from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm, there are times in which insufficient lighting exists; particularly early mornings and evenings,” Maxey said. “The lighted bus shelters will improve visibility of passengers to our drivers; while providing an area that feels safer for our passengers while utilizing Yakima Transit.”