Local children will have an opportunity to improve their soccer skills during a clinic next month at Washington Fruit Community Center, 602 N. 4th Street. The center is located at Miller Park.
Yakima Parks and Recreation will offer the soccer clinic from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm each day on May 11-13. It is available for children eight to 12 years of age. All skill levels are welcome.
Registration is $5 per child and available at Sportsites. The registration deadline is Monday, May 10th. Call 575-6020 for more information.
During each of the clinic’s three sessions, participants should bring a mask, comfortable pair of shoes and plenty of water.
COVID-19 safety protocols include the following:
- Any participant or spectator who is sick or has signs or symptoms of any kind, or close contact of someone with COVID-19, should NOT attend.
- Face masks are required for all present.
- PARTICIPANTS can remove masks when they are on the field playing.
- Spectators should avoid gatherings, and allow for proper social distancing of six feet from each other and the field area.
- Participants should arrive no more than 10 minutes before start time.
- Staff/coach will provide hand sanitizer for participants at the beginning and end of each session.
- Participants should not enter the field area until they are asked to by staff/coaches.
Yakima Parks and Recreation is responsible for programs and activities at the Washington Fruit Community Center at Miller Park following an operational change the Yakima City Council formally approved for the center in February.