Sept. 17th Yakima Council Meeting Review

The Yakima City Council held its most recent regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday, September 17th.  Action taken by the Council on September 17th included:

–   Setting a public hearing date of October 1, 2013 to consider extending a moratorium on billboards and digital signs

–   Approval of an agreement with HBB Inc for streetscape design work on the North First Street Revitalization Project

–   Acceptance of a $200,000 Department of Ecology grant for environmental analysis at the former Boise Cascade mill site

–   Approval a professional services contract for a business process analysis of the utilities customer service division

–   Adoption of a Council Letter of Support Policy and approval of two previous requests for letters of support

Follow this link to watch Y-PAC coverage of the September 3rd Yakima City Council meeting

Yakima City Council regular agenda business meetings air live on Charter Cable channel 22 and are replayed at 7:00 pm the following night. The meetings are shown again at 9:00 am on the following Saturday and Sunday mornings, and are also available on the City of Yakima website –