Street Closures Planned at 2nd St and Staff Sgt. Pendleton Way

There will be two road closures tomorrow, Tuesday, October 29th, related to a project for infrastructure improvements near the former of Bank of America building in Downtown Yakima.

The following closures are required for work to remove asphalt from the project area:

  • The first begins at 6:30 am Tuesday and requires closing 2nd Street northbound between Staff Sgt. Pendleton Way and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
  • After that work is complete, crews will then close Pendleton Way from 3rd Street to 2nd Street. The entire project is expected to be complete by 3:00 pm tomorrow.

Access will be maintained to properties in the project area, including Yakima City Hall.

Crews began work on Oct. 9 to remove sidewalks in the vicinity of the former bank. Sidewalks will be replaced adjacent to the former bank building, trees will be planted and new streetlights will be installed.

The project is expected to continue through Thanksgiving week.

Drivers are reminded the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour. 

As always, the schedule for this type of a project is subject to change daily dependent on weather, equipment failure, and emergencies.

Contact Street Maintenance Supervisor Jay Kendall at 509-576-6443 for more about the project.