Traffic Proposal Focus of Public Information Meeting

Proposed changes to sections of Jerome Avenue and Fairbanks Avenue in the vicinity of Garfield Elementary School are the focus of a public information meeting on Safe Routes to Schools. The meeting will be 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 29th, in the Garfield Elementary School gymnasium, 612 North 6th Avenue. It will be hosted by the City of Yakima.

The meeting’s purpose will be to discuss the proposal by the City of Yakima, Yakima School District and Garfield Elementary School to make Jerome Avenue one-way eastbound and Fairbanks Avenue one-way westbound between Custer Avenue and 6th Avenue. The goal would be to improve pedestrian safety.

There will be opportunity for public comment. Those who are unable to attend the May 29th meeting can submit their comments to the Yakima City Clerk’s Office, Yakima City Hall, 129 N. 2nd Street, or contact City of Yakima Design Engineer Randy Tabert at (509) 576-6579 or for more information.

Starting in mid-June, the City of Yakima will construct pedestrian and transportation improvements in the vicinity of Garfield Elementary School. The map below shows where construction will add sidewalks, ramps (at some intersections), and new curb and gutter through the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) Safe Routes to School program.

Pedestrian/transportation improvements to begin construction in mid-June through the WSDOT Safe Routes to Schools Program.