Volunteer Opportunities on City Boards and Commissions

The Yakima City Council is asking volunteers interested in serving on the Yakima Housing Authority Board, Board of Appeals, and the Henry Beauchamp, Jr. Community Center Advisory Committee to submit applications to the City Clerk’s office.

The Board of Appeals and the Henry Beauchamp, Jr. Community Center Advisory Committee currently have one open position each. The Yakima Housing Authority Board may have an open position in the near future.

It is the responsibility of the City Council to appoint people to serve on the governing bodies of those organizations.

There is no residency requirement for service on the Housing Authority Board, but neither employees nor elected officials from the City of Yakima or Yakima County are eligible to apply.  The board has five members who serve five-year terms. The Housing Authority Board is responsible for developing and operating programs to provide housing for low-income people in the city.  The board holds a regular monthly meeting, but may also conduct additional meetings as needed.

There are seven members on the Board of Appeals who serve three-year terms and meet on an on-call basis. The Board of Appeals members are qualified by experience and training to evaluate appeals pertaining to building construction.  The board currently requires a mechanical contractor or a developer.

There are seven members of the Henry Beauchamp, Jr.  Community Center Advisory Board, all of whom serve four-year terms and must live within Yakima city limits. The board holds quarterly meetings and makes recommendations to the center operator and the City regarding management policies, operations, maintenance, and capital improvement needs. Appointments to the board are based upon the recommendations of the board of directors.

Anyone interested in applying for openings can download an application from the City of Yakima website – https://www.yakimawa.gov/council/assets/Application-form-for-City-of-Yakima-Boards-and-Commissions.pdf – or can pick up an application at the City Clerk’s office at Yakima City Hall.

For more information about current or future openings on City of Yakima boards, committees, or commissions, contact City Clerk Sonya Claar Tee by phone (575-6037) or by e-mail

( sonya.claartee@yakimawa.gov ).

Volunteer Opportunities on City Boards, Committees, and Commissions – News Release