Russell Lane Project Completed with Help from Yakima County SEID Funds

The City of Yakima has announced the completion of the Russell Lane Intersection Realignment Project. Located on South 1st Street about 800 feet north of the Washington Avenue intersection, this project improved the connection between Russell Lane and South 1st Street. Previously, Russell Lane’s connection to South 1st Street was offset from an existing intersection, … Continued

Updated Information Available About Potential Annexation

The City of Yakima has provided updated information about a potential annexation near the Pacific University of Health Sciences (PNWU) campus in advance of the issue being discussed at next Tuesday’s City Council meeting.  The updated information includes a new map showing a much smaller annexation area than previous versions.  “The new map does not … Continued

New Finance and Budget Director Chosen

Yakima City Manager Vicki Baker has announced that Viren Mayani has been appointed as the City’s Finance and Budget Director.  Mayani replaces Mark Roberts, who resigned from the City in January. “The City is fortunate to have Viren as part of its senior management team,” said Baker.  “He has financial management experience in a broad … Continued

Assistant City Manager Appointed City Manager in Her Home State

Yakima Assistant City Manager Rosylen Oglesby is returning to her home state as the city manager of Franklin, Virginia.  The Franklin City Council formally approved a contract with Oglesby earlier this month.  Oglesby’s last day on the job in Yakima will be August 23rd. “Rosylen has been a true asset to the City of Yakima … Continued

Yakima City Council August 5th, 2024 Regular Meeting Preview

The Yakima City Council will hold a regular meeting at 5:30 pm on Monday, August 5th, 2024. The meeting has been moved from the usual first Tuesday night of the month due to National Night Out activities planned the evening of Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. Agenda items for the August 5th regular meeting include: · … Continued

Vicki Baker Announced as Next Yakima City Manager

During its regular meeting tonight, the Yakima City Council announced Vicki Baker will be the next Yakima city manager. Baker was one of three finalists for the city manager job.  The other finalists were Franklin County, Washington County Administrator Mike Gonzalez and Wellton, Arizona Town Manager Richard Marsh, Jr.  The finalists were interviewed by the … Continued

Shawn Boyle Named Interim Yakima Police Chief

Yakima Police Captain Shawn Boyle has been selected to serve as interim Yakima police chief while a search is conducted for a replacement for Matt Murray, who served as Yakima police chief from 2019 until recently announcing his retirement from the department.  Murray’s tenure as chief ends on June 30th. Interim Yakima City Manager Dave … Continued

Names of Three Yakima City Manager Finalists Announced

The three candidates selected by the Yakima City Council to be included in the finalist pool for the Yakima city manager position will be in town next week for a community meet-and-greet event and interviews with the Council. The finalist pool, in alphabetical order, includes Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Deputy Director Vicki Baker, Franklin … Continued

Wastewater Project to Close Section of 20th Avenue

A wastewater project will result in the closure of 20th Avenue between Nob Hill Boulevard and Prasch Avenue Monday through Thursday for several weeks in June.  The closure will be in effect from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday from June 17th through June 27th.  The section of 20th Avenue affected by the … Continued