A project to replace the existing water main and water utility services will close a section of South 18th Street to thru traffic beginning Tuesday, August 31st.
The project includes replacing an aging water line and water services along East Viola Avenue between South Fair Avenue and Rudkin Road.
Total Site Services, Inc. of Richland will begin crossing South 18th Street at East Viola Avenue on Tuesday, August 31st. Work is expected to continue through the end of the week, possibly into the following week of September 6th.
South 18th Street will be closed to thru traffic between East Nob Hill Boulevard and Simpson Lane from Tuesday through Thursday this week. It will re-open at the end of the day on Thursday, and remain open through the Labor Day Holiday weekend. Work will begin again on Tuesday, September 7th.
Local access to residents and businesses will be maintained as best as possible. Emergency vehicles will be allowed through the project area when necessary.
Yakima Transit Route 12 will be adjusted to accommodate the closure. Route 12 will be detoured beginning Tuesday, and ending Friday, September 3rd. Starting at 18th Street & Nob Hill Boulevard, the Route 12 bus will turn right onto Nob Hill Boulevard, then left on to 12th Street. The route will turn right on to Viola Avenue, then resume as scheduled.
Please see https://yakimatransit.org/ for up-to-date routes or contact Yakima Transit at 575-6175.
Although the project is not expected to cause interruptions in scheduled refuse collection, customers may contact the City of Yakima Refuse Division at 575-6005 with any questions or concerns.
As always, the schedule for this type of project is subject to change daily depending on weather, equipment failure, and emergencies.
Drivers are reminded that the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour.
For more about the project, contact Water/Irrigation Engineer Mike Shane at 576-6480.