Yakima City Council Meeting Preview

The Yakima City Council holds its next regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday January 7th, 2014.  The meeting begins at 6:00 pm at Yakima City Hall.

Items on the January 7th agenda include:

–   Downtown Yakima Plaza Design and Traffic Study requests for proposals

–   2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process

–   2014-2017 wage and benefit contract for AFSCME employees

–   Candidate evaluation process for filling City Council vacancy

To see the complete agenda for the January 7th Council meeting, click on the following link http://bit.ly/1lxh5JE

Yakima City Council regular agenda business meetings air live on Charter Cable channel 22 and are replayed at 7:00 pm the following day. The meetings are shown again at 9:00 am on the following Saturday and Sunday and are also available on the City of Yakima website – www.yakimawa.gov