The Yakima City Council holds its next regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday, February 17th, 2015. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm at Yakima City Hall.
Items on the February 17th agenda include:
– Council direction on potential and pending items before the state legislature
– Establishing no parking zones along parade routes
– A public hearing date on amendments to the City’s sign code Ordinance
– A request for $100,000 for marketing and operational expenses at the Yakima Valley SunDome
– Approval of a U.S. Department of Transportation grant to promote air passenger service at the Yakima Airport
– Report on implementation of downtown Yakima parking recommendations
To see the complete agenda for the February 17th Council meeting, click on the following link
Yakima City Council regular agenda business meetings air live on Charter Cable channel 194 and are replayed at 7:00 pm the following day. The meetings are shown again at 9:00 am on the following Saturday and Sunday and are also available on the City of Yakima website –