The Yakima City Council holds its next regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at Yakima City Hall.
Items on the November 15th agenda include:
– Conducting public hearings on the proposed 2017 City budget and property tax levy
– Setting a December 6th public hearing date on amendments to the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance
– Considering regulation amendments for Uber and other transportation network companies operating in the City
– Accepting public comment on proposed 2017 Community Development Block Grant and HOME fund programs
To see the complete agenda for the November 15th Council meeting, click on the following link:
Yakima City Council business meeting will be replayed on Y-PAC Charter Cable Channel 194 at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 16th. The meeting can also be viewed at 9:00 am on Saturday and Sunday and is available on the City of Yakima website –