Dr. Larry Jecha, MD, MPH, has been chosen to join the Yakima Health District as Interim Health Officer. Dr. Jecha currently serves as the Health Officer for Walla Walla County Department of Community Health, as well Garfield and Columbia Counties.
He previously served as the Health Officer at the Benton-Franklin Health District for 23 years and 23 years in Aerospace Medicine as a Chief Flight Surgeon in the United States Air Force (USAF). Dr. Jecha received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Kansas Medical School and his Master of Public Health from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
“Dr. Jecha is a highly regarded Health Officer and we are grateful he has agreed to join the Yakima Health District. Dr. Jecha lives in Eastern Washington and has protected the health of rural residents in a distinguished career of public service. His knowledge of public health principles and experience in serving communities similar to the Yakima valley will prove invaluable in our COVID-19 response,” said Andre Fresco, Executive Director for the Yakima Health District.
The role of a Health Officer is to provide subject matter expertise, help craft policy and health orders, and guide the Board of Health on its health strategies and concerns. As Interim Health Officer, Dr. Jecha will ensure the continuity of public health services in Yakima County.
“I have had a great respect and have worked with the Yakima Health District for many years. I am glad to join the dedicated staff of the District,” said Dr. Larry Jecha, Interim Health Officer for Yakima County.
Dr. Jecha will serve as Interim Health Officer until a permanent replacement is selected. Future plans related to the recruitment of a permanent Health Officer will be discussed at upcoming Board of Health meetings.