Yakima Transit is submitting its Six-Year Transit Development Plan and Annual Report to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
A public hearing on the report will be held next Thursday, October 1st, at 5:30 pm via a Zoom conference call.
To join the meeting, call (833) 548-0276. The meeting ID is 936 6531 4792. The passcode is 416075.
You may also join by clicking https://cityofyakima.zoom.us/j/93665314792?pwd=R0Q0UFZ0ZktiSzBsQk5nSDUxRkZvQT09
The annual report includes documents addressing state and local long & short-range priorities, capital improvements, planned significant operating changes and program funding sources for the next six years. The report also includes the summary of Yakima Transit’s 2019 operations.
A draft document is available at https://yakimatransit.org/plans-documents/
Final approval of the report is anticipated to go to the Yakima City Council in October.