Ceremony to Celebrate Miller Park Improvements

A project nearly three years in the making will be celebrated during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 2:00 pm this Thursday, June 22nd, at Miller Park.

It will mark completion of a public/private partnership creating a host of improvements at Miller Park.

Improvements include new rims, backboards, lighting and fencing for basketball courts; performance area, walkways, restrooms, playground, picnic shelter and free-standing mosaics.

The last of the mosaics were installed just last week. The art creations, including a “selfie” butterfly mural at nearby Washington Fruit Community Center, 602 N. 4th Street, were made possible by the Millennium Foundation and its partnership with Tieton Mosaics.

In addition to community support, the Miller Park Improvement Project received $625,000 in state funds.

A fundraising drive for Miller Park improvements was launched in September 2020 by Yakima Parks & Recreation in collaboration with local community members.

“We are so pleased to be able to make improvements to this essential northeast neighborhood park and so grateful for the community support,” said Parks and Recreation Manager Ken Wilkinson. “Our purpose from the beginning has been to revitalize Miller Park as the heart of the community.”

Miller Park celebrates a centennial this year. The City of Yakima purchased the nearly 4-acre site at 4th Street and E Street in 1923 and developed Miller Park as the City’s first designated neighborhood park.

Click https://yakimaparks.com/parks/miller/ for more about Miller Park.