The Yakima community has the opportunity to help reshape the way the City of Yakima regulates how signs are displayed by filling on an online survey.
How many signs can be displayed at a single location, where signs can be placed, and other elements of the City’s sign regulations are currently under review. The feedback gathered through the survey will provide guidance to the City Planning Commission, and ultimately the Yakima City Council, about what direction the community wants to head in when it comes to controlling signage.
The online survey will be open from Wednesday, October 29th until Wednesday, November 12th and can be accessed on the City’s website by clicking on the following link –
About two years ago, the City began to more actively enforce its existing sign regulations and received complaints from some local business owners who felt the current sign code was being imposed too strictly. During a joint study session in August of this year, the City Council and the City Planning Commission decided that conducting a survey would be a good way to encourage the community to participate in making any necessary changes to the sign regulations.
The information that is gathered through the online survey will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and will be incorporated into a recommendation the Commission will make to the City Council about potential modification of the City sign code. The Council plans on considering possible revisions to the City’s sign regulations at an upcoming public hearing.
For more information about the online community survey concerning potential changes to the City’s sign code, contact Supervising Planner Jeff Peters by phone at 575-6163 or by e-mail at