Planning Commission Holding Hearing on Proposed Sign Regulations

About two years ago, the City of Yakima began to more actively enforce its existing sign regulations. In the wake of the stepped up enforcement efforts, some local business owners complained to the City that the sign code was being imposed too strictly and that some of its elements were overly burdensome.

In August 2014, the Yakima City Council and the Yakima Planning Commission held a joint study session to discuss sign code issues. As a result of the study session, the Council and Commission decided to undertake a public process to review the existing sign code to determine if any amendments to the code should be made. The public process included an online community survey, preliminary discussion by the Planning Commission, environmental review, and additional public comment.

Draft amendments have now been developed that would better define terms in the City’s sign code and provide greater clarity to both business owners and code enforcement officers. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the draft amendments during its regular business meeting on Wednesday, January 28th at 3:30 pm in the Council Chambers at Yakima City Hall. Anyone wanting to provide input about the draft amendments is invited to attend the hearing.

To see the draft amendments, click on the following link –

Following the January 28th public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a formal recommendation to the City Council regarding proposed amendments to the City’s sign code. The Council will consider the proposed amendments at an upcoming business meeting, which will also include another opportunity for public input.

To find out more about the proposed City sign code amendments, contact Supervising Planner Jeff Peters by phone (575-6163) or by e-mail (

Public Hearing re Proposed Sign Regulations – News Release