A project to replace existing water and sewer mains along a section of Hathaway Street continues.
The project is taking place on Hathaway Street from North 6th Avenue to North 16th Avenue. P.O.W. Contracting, Inc. of Pasco is the primary contractor on the project. To date, the contractor has installed approximately 2,000 lineal feet of new 8-inch sewer main and the associated structures and laterals, replaced an existing Old Union Irrigation canal crossing concrete box culvert with a new 30-inch polyethylene pipe, and completed approximately 2,000 lineal feet of new 12-inch waterline and new services.
Over the next week, the contractor will continue installation of the new water line and services between North 6th Avenue and North 8th Avenue. Work will also take place on North 6th Avenue and North 16th Avenue to confirm the location of existing utilities in preparation for final waterline connections.
Construction activity will continue to affect properties along Hathaway Street between North 6th Avenue and North 16th Avenue and may cause some minor inconvenience.
For the week of May 13th, access to Hathaway Street will be limited to North 16th Avenue, as well as North 8th Avenue/East J Street. Access from North 6th Avenue will not be available. Local access to residences and businesses will be maintained as best as possible during the project, although the road is closed to thru traffic. Emergency vehicles, school buses and refuse services will be allowed through the project area when necessary.
The project is expected to be substantially complete by Friday, June 14th, two weeks later than originally anticipated. Inclement weather delays early on in the project, as well other construction related delays, extended the project completion.
Drivers are reminded that the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour.