After a two-week weather delay, a project to replace existing water and sewer mains along a section of Hathaway Street will begin Thursday, February 14th.
The project limits on Hathaway Street are from North 6th Avenue to North 16th Avenue. P.O.W. Contracting, Inc. of Pasco will begin construction near Elks Park on February 14th by removing snow within the limits of the project. On Monday, February 18th, the contractor will begin installation of a new sewer as well as replacement of the Old Union Irrigation canal crossing.
Construction activity will affect properties along Hathaway Street between North 6th Avenue and North 16th Avenue and may cause some minor inconvenience. Local access to residents and businesses will be maintained as best as possible during the project, although the road will be closed to thru traffic. Emergency vehicles will be allowed through the project area when necessary.
The overall project is expected to take 70 working days and be completed by the end of May. As always, the schedule for this type of project is subject to change daily depending on weather, equipment failure, and emergencies.
Drivers are reminded that the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour.