One of the first steps in the intensive process of updating the City of Yakima’s Comprehensive Plan will take place during the We Are Yakima Community Vision Open House on Tuesday, February 23rd at the Yakima Valley Technical Skills Center (1120 S. 18th Street). Community members will have the opportunity during the open house to weigh in on the vision for Yakima and to influence how growth in the area is managed. Doors will open at 6:00 pm and a presentation will begin at 6:30 pm. The event is expected to end by 8:00 pm.
The Growth Management Act (“GMA”) was adopted by the Washington State Legislature in 1990 and, among many other things, required local governments to create and regularly update a wide-ranging development document called a Comprehensive Plan. The core purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to help define, through goals, objectives, and policies, how communities should accommodate forecasted household and job growth, provide open space and recreational opportunities, and best manage traffic and other vital services over a 20-year period.
“The We Are Yakima open house will provide the opportunity for a broad cross section of our community to have a say in how we develop during the next two decades,” said City of Yakima Senior Planner Valerie Smith. “Everyone is encouraged to come and be part of planning Yakima’s future.”
Comprehensive Plans help local communities ensure that regulations are designed to meet the goals of the GMA, which include reducing sprawl, concentrating urban growth, encouraging an adequate supply of affordable housing is available, developing regional transportation capabilities, protecting property rights, and preserving historic lands and buildings. The GMA-required Comp Plan update process also requires local governments to take a close look at open space and recreation, permit processing, public facilities and services, and environmental protection.
To learn more about the City of Yakima’s Comp Plan process, click on the following link to the City’s Planning Division’s webpage –