Paid parking at Yakima Air Terminal-McAllister Field (YKM) resumes Wednesday, November 1st. Parking rates will be $2 per two-hour increment or $15 per day effective Nov. 1st.
Initially, payment will only be accepted via credit card at a kiosk located inside the breezeway of the terminal. However, YKM will roll out more payment options over the few weeks, such as Text2Pay, Park Smarter App and a QR code.
“We appreciate the public’s cooperation and patience as we resume paid parking at YKM with upgrades to our parking payment technology,” said Airport Director Rob Hodgman.
YKM has more about the kiosk and technology, including a video and parking map, at Parking | FLY YKM
The new parking payment system is one of a number of recent improvements for YKM:
- On November 17th, Alaska Airlines will resume two daily flights between Yakima and Seattle. The second flight from Yakima will be an early morning departure and the second arrival from Seattle will be late at night to accommodate connecting flight schedules in Seattle.
- YKM recently added new food and drink options at the airport thanks to responses from a poll the City of Yakima conducted in August and September.
- Airport staff recently installed a charging station to improve the traveler experience at YKM.
More information is available by calling 509-575-6149, visiting YKM’s Facebook page or e-mailing ykminfo@yakimawa.gov.