Yakima Receives Historic Preservation Grant

A $12,000 state grant will help the City of Yakima explore the possibility of establishing a National Historic District for the City’s “Fruit Row” on First Avenue.

“This is a great opportunity to continue working on an interesting project,” said Yakima City Councilmember Jason White, the Council’s liaison to the City’s Historic Preservation Commission.

The funds are from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historical Preservation.

“The grant will be used to build an inventory of historical buildings on ‘Fruit Row’ and then examine the condition of the buildings,” said Associate Planner Trevor Martin, the Historic Preservation Commission’s staff liaison. “Depending on how well preserved they are, ‘Fruit Row’ could then be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places to develop an awareness of the area and preserve its historic integrity.”

“Fruit Row” dates back to the early 1900s and describes a row of fruit and ag-related facilities on First Avenue from Yakima Avenue up to D Street

The grant-funded work will likely begin in October and continue through next spring, Martin said.

Visit https://www.yakimawa.gov/services/historic-preservation-commission/ for more about the City’s Historic Preservation Commission, which currently has three vacant positions.

Fruit Row Grant – News Release