February 5th Council Meeting Review

Contact: Community Relations Mgr. Randy Beehler – 901-1142 – randy.beehler@yakimawa.gov Release Date: February 6th, 2013 The Yakima City Council held its most recent regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday, February 5th. Action taken by the Council on February 5th included: Removing from the April special election ballot a proposal to initiate a car tab fee Placing … Continued

$2.7 Million Grant Will Launch North 1st Street Revitalization

Contact: Special Projects Manager Joan Davenport – 576-6417 Community Relations Manager Randy Beehler – 901-1142 – randy.beehler@yakimawa.gov Release Date: February 1st, 2013 Plans to revitalize North 1st Street, one of the major entry ways into Yakima, got a major boost recently when the City of Yakima was awarded a $2.7 million grant as part of … Continued