Section of Yakima Greenway Pathway to Temporarily Close

Habitat restoration work along the Yakima River south of the Yakima Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant will result in closure of a half-mile stretch of the Yakima Greenway Pathway beginning on Monday, July 15th.   The pathway closure is necessary because heavy equipment will be operating in the area removing culverts and preparing the site for the … Continued

Yakima City Council Meeting Preview

The Yakima City Council holds its next regular agenda business meeting on Tuesday, July 16th.  The meeting begins at 6:00 pm at Yakima City Hall. Items on the July 16th agenda include: –    Yakima Police Department succession planning proposal –    Memorandum of understanding related to assigned police vehicle program –    Implementation of vacation buy-back program for … Continued

Safety Concerns Prompt Action on Naches Avenue Trees

Old age has caught up with a number of century-old trees that line the historic Naches Avenue Parkway in Downtown Yakima.  A total of eight trees are slated to be removed and another seven will be trimmed to prevent damage from falling tree limbs during high winds. The action was prompted by an incident in … Continued

Free Music and Movies Back in Yakima Parks This Summer

Three great Yakima summer traditions that offer free, family-friendly entertainment in two of Yakima’s parks have returned for another season this year. The 2013 Summer Sunset Concert Series at Franklin Park will feature mostly Northwest-based performers every Friday evening from July 12th through August 23rd.  While the series has long been held at Franklin Park, … Continued

Yakima City Council Study Session Review

The Yakima City Council held a study session on Tuesday, July 9th at Yakima City Hall. At the study session on July 9th the Council –          Heard consultant recommendations for increasing air passenger traffic at the Yakima Air Terminal –          Received an update on the Airport Master Plan Yakima City Council study sessions are aired … Continued

Assessment Center Open To Cascade and Senator Residents Wednesday

With a deadline to vacate apartments in the Cascade and Senator buildings set for this Friday, the Yakima County Human Services Department will coordinate with the Northwest Justice Project and other agencies that provide housing assistance to staff an “Assessment Center” on Wednesday, July 10th to help current residents of the buildings find other housing … Continued

Grind and Overlay Project to Impact Traffic on Nob Hill and Washington

This project rebuilds and improves various street segments throughout the city.    Work includes pavement repair, planing bituminous pavement, paving with hot mix asphalt, constructing ADA ramps and pavement markings.  The overall project is scheduled to be completed in 90 working days, which extends the project into late October, 2013. Roadway grinding and roadway paving will … Continued

Yakima City Council Study Session Preview

The Yakima City Council holds a study session on Tuesday, July 9th.  The meeting begins at 10:00 am at Yakima City Hall. Items on the July 9th study session include: –          Consultant presentation on increasing passenger load factors at Yakima Air Terminal –          Update on Airport Master Plan Additional study session information is available at … Continued

Second Yakima Downtown Master Plan Workshop Set for July 10th

The second in a series of public meetings to discuss the future of Downtown Yakima is set for Wednesday, July 10th in room “E” at the Yakima Convention Center.  The meeting, which will begin at 6:30 pm, will provide community members with another opportunity to give input on the development of a comprehensive master plan … Continued

Road Repair Will Impact Traffic on Section of 8th Street

Beginning on July 8th, the section of 8th Street between Chestnut Avenue and Yakima Avenue, as well as the intersection of 8th   Street and Walnut Avenue, will be closed to through traffic during daytime hours Monday through Thursday through July 18th. Access to those portions of 8th   Street will be limited Monday through … Continued